Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I started to make dolls as a hobby because they just fascinated me.
It was the most exciting feeling to see a doll came to life with just a piece of paper, cloth, stuffing, yarns and some paints. The most rewarding experience is when your dolls are the most waited present for a birthday or Christmas!
When I got divorced, my dolls became my life saver. I had two little girls to raise alone.
I started to sell my dolls at craft fairs and consignment shops in California.
Today I make dolls in cloth, polymer clay, sculpted, etc. I make them on special order and have a few ready to deliver.
If you're interested in my dolls and would like more information, please e-mail me.
Thank you for your time.
Have a dolly day!


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

Belinha said...

Fico muito feliz em saber que seus talentos lhe ajudaram a progredir e a fotaleceram. Sou Isabelle, neta de Ivone e Antenor Brasileiro. Vi no Orkut que vc procurava por familiares, desculpe por demorar tanto para aparecer mas só soubemos de sua comunidade essa semana... se vc ainda estiver viva, se for vc ou se for algum parente por favor nos dê noticias.. sabemos que teve duas filhas... gostariamos de conhecer sua família.... queremos noticias... obrigada ... meu contato